Find New Inspiration, Inspire Your Students
We’ve all had those teachers we’ll never forget — the ones who encouraged us and pushed us to reach new heights. Chances are it wasn’t lollipops or stickers that did the trick.
At Mindsteps, we believe it’s possible to help all students, including the most reluctant and resistant learners, choose to invest in their learning. You already have the expertise you need to make a difference in your students’ lives. This library of practical resources is here for you to tweak your existing motivational strategies and to pick up a few new ones along the way.
We have moved all of our free resources and downloads to Buildership® University. If you are not already a member you can sign up for a free membership here.
NOTE: Resources for How to Motivate Reluctant Learners can be found here. You must be logged in to Buildership® University to access the downloads.

How to Motivate Reluctant Learners offers proven steps to remove barriers students face and to help them invest in the classroom in a meaningful way. The book will show you how to create a classroom worth investing in and give students more opportunities for autonomy.
Learn more in our Mastering the Principles of Great Teaching Series, a how-to series that focuses the 7 mastery principles introduced in Never Work Harder Than Your Students and Other Principles of Great Teaching.
Our library of webinars features an in-depth discussion on an alternative view of motivation that helps teachers entice students to learn using their own currencies.
Webinar Handouts