Workshops for k-12 Administrators. Buildership, Core Values, Vision, Mission

Buildership Series

Finally get everyone committed to and focused on a shared vision for your school.

The 4 Disciplines of Buildership gives school administrators a simple way to keep everyone focused on the vision and doing the right work on behalf of students so that they can achieve their vision for students and grow their schools.

Here's just a taste of what School Administrators will learn:

  • how to give "ONE Thing" feedback that pinpoints the root cause of a teacher's practice and helps teachers make significant improvement.
  • how to provide teachers with differentiated support designed to meet teachers where they are and help them improve at least one level on the evaluation instrument in their target area each year.
  • how to put structures in place that help everyone be accountable to the school vision, mission, and core values.
  • how to identify and eliminate pockets of toxicity in the school culture.


What you'll get with the Buildership Series

Estimated Series Length: 4-day series. Days can be consecutive or throughout the school year.
Audience: Administrators grades 5-12, District Leaders, Instructional Leaders.

  • Day One: Culture Participants will be introduced to the concept of "buildership" and how it can help them build a bigger vision, develop a better plan, and achieve a brighter future for their schools. Then, participants will analyze their school vision, mission, and core values and refine them. Next, participants will learn the 4 Disciplines of Buildership and how each can be used to help them achieve their vision, mission, and core values. Finally, participants will examine their own school cultures looking for areas of toxicity and learn strategies for overcoming that toxicity and keeping the focus on the vision, mission, and core values in their schools.   As a result, they will be able to heal any toxicity lurking in their own school cultures and get everyone in their school aligned around a common vision, mission, and set of core values.
  • Day Two: Feedback Participants will learn how to use feedback to help teachers improve, overcome pushback, and get everyone consistently working towards the school vision, mission, and core values. They will start by learning "micro-slicing," a method that allows them to get to the root cause of a teacher's practice within 5-7 minutes of observation. Once they understand how to observe for the root cause, they will then learn how to give teachers "ONE Thing Feedback" that allows them to overcome push back, avoid hurt feelings, and break through blank stares during the feedback conversation. That way they can help teachers take ownership over their own practice and and commit to continually growing their skills in the classroom.
  • Day Three: Support  Participants will learn how to give teachers differentiated support based on the teacher's will and skill. They will learn the 8 types of supports they can give teachers and use the Surefire Support Cheatsheet to identify the right support for each teacher they serve. Then they will learn how to use the 6 sources of support to help them craft the right kind of support structures for individual teachers, groups of teachers, and school-wide support. Finally, they will learn how to support teacher will by learning the 4 will-drivers and how they can use them to help teachers welcome their support and immediately implement it in their practice. That way they can empower teachers to grow their practice and upgrade the quality of instruction in their buildings.
  • Day Four: Accountability Participants will learn how to help everyone in their organization be more accountable to the school vision, mission, and core values. They will discover the ABCDE's of true accountability, and learn the specific things they can do to embed accountability into the very structure of their schools. They will end the day by creating an accountability plan that helps everyone stay on track towards their school vision, mission, and core values. Thus, participants will get everyone engaged in doing the right work the right way.

Which Workshop is Right for Me?

We recommend that you order the entire series. Its the best way to establish Buildership and transform your school. But, you can also select just day one of the series to get your team started. You won't get the full benefit of the program but you will get valuable tools and strategies you can immediately apply in your school.

How do I order?

Ready to schedule one or more of the Buildership Series? You're just steps away. Start by clicking here and following our simple 3 step process. This workshop series is also offered virtually.

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